Descriptive Transcript
[This video uses animation to illustrate spoken content. The CIBC logo appears with the video title, “RBA Select Equity Yield CIBC Index.”]
The RBA Select Equity Yield CIBC Index by CIBC Capital Markets
[The logo of Richard Bernstein Advisors appears.]
was developed together with Richard Bernstein Advisors LLC.
[A flashing lightbulb appears.]
a prominent investment firm providing innovative, research-driven investment solutions.
[A rectangular box with the text “RBA Select Equity Yield CIBC Index” appears.]
The RBA Select Equity Yield CIBC Index
[The text in the box changes to “Enhanced Dividend Investing Strategy.” Simultaneously, a row of three rotating gears emerge from the box.]
is an enhanced dividend investing strategy
[The box disappears. Each gear enlarges individually, as the following texts appear one at a time: “Market Research,” “Fundamental Analysis,” and “Quantitative Investment Strategies.”]
that combines market research, fundamental analysis and quantitative investment strategies
[A magnifying glass appears, along with a row of empty, grey squares. The magnifying glass hovers over each box, and they are filled in grey, to varying degrees. The final box is fully filled, in red.]
in an effort to identify stocks with stable dividend yields.
[The red box enlarges to the center. White lines appear in the box. The box expands into a rectangle. A positive bar graph is populated within the box.]
Dividends not only generate steady income for investors – they may also provide a way to build long-term wealth over time.
[The contents of the box disappear, and is replaced by the text “Conventional Dividend Investing.” The text in the box is replaced with “Dividend Income.” A row of squares with a dollar sign emerge below the “Dividend Income” box.]
While conventional dividend investing focuses solely on dividend income,
[Arrows appear and move up in the background. The text in the rectangle is replaced with “Enhance Returns.” The square boxes with the dollar sign shifts above the rectangle.]
the RBA Select Equity Yield CIBC Index seeks to enhance returns
[The text in the rectangle is replaced with “Large Cap U.S. Equities.” A few squares enlarge on top of the rectangle, while the others disappear.]
by selecting certain large cap U.S. equities
[A square with a checkmark appears to the left of the rectangle. Then a square with a clock appears on the right.]
whose dividends are reliable and sustainable
[A stack of documents falls into the centre. The documents transform into a rectangle, which is then populated by a positive line chart.]
through a precise methodology based on leading market research and fundamental analysis of financial factors.
Here’s how it works:
The Largest 600
[Text reads, “The Largest 600.” Twelve burgundy rectangles, each composed of 50 small squares appear.]
The index starts by selecting the 600 largest U.S. based companies by market cap.
Primary Filter
[Text reads, “Primary Filter.” The colours in all the rectangles are washed out. A line appears below the set of rectangles, and moves up, through the rectangles.]
The Index then filters to analyze reasonability of a dividend payout, relative to the company’s operating performance.
Secondary Filter
[Select rectangles are now burgundy again. Text reads, “Secondary Filter.”]
Next, the Index runs a secondary filter to analyze the reliability of a dividend payout, relative to a company’s financial performance.
[The line goes through the rectangles. Select rectangles have their colours washed out. Text reads, “Test.”]
And finally, the Index filters to analyze for the consistency of a company’s dividend payment history, over a determined period of time.
[The line moves through the rectangles. Four rectangles remain burgundy. Text reads, “Selection.” The four remaining rectangles transform into a bar graph. Each bar is at the same height.]
When filtering and testing are complete, the index selects the top 100 highest dividend-yielding securities for inclusion on a quarterly basis.
[Text reads, “Rebalance.” The bars change in height.]
Each month, the portfolio is rebalanced to equal weights to avoid concentration risk.
The Outcome
[Text reads, “The Outcome?” A series of squares appear on the center. A square with a checkmark appears on the left, and a square with a clock appears on the right.]
The outcome? A targeted set of large cap U.S. equities whose dividends are reliable and sustainable
[Dollar signs enclosed in circles appear. A line appears to connect these circles from left to right, depicting a positive line chart.]
all focused on enhancing total returns.
The RBA Select Equity Yield CIBC Index
Dividend investing reimagined.
[The CIBC logo appears. Text reads, “CIBC Capital Markets.”]