- The Index is fully systematic and governed by rules which were established when the Index was launched
- The rules of the Index are fully documented in the rulebook
- Bloomberg Finance L.P. is the Index Calculation Agent
- The Index is constructed using four of 10 eligible industry sectors, and possibly shorting a broader market index
- The sectors are selected quarterly, and equally rebalanced on a monthly basis
- The Index uses trend and momentum analysis to identify cyclical downturns. Once a cyclical downturn is determined, the Index reallocates the Index into a market neutral state
- WisdomTree Siegel Strategic Value Index™: CIBQWS6E Index
- – CIBC-WisdomTree-Siegel Market Neutral Index: CIBQSMNI Index
- – CIBC-WisdomTree-Siegel Equity Value Index: CIBQSEVI Index